Read EWOT Blogs

Brad Pitzele



Can Exercise with Oxygen Therapy Improve Memory?

The brain is a high-energy organ, demanding a constant and abundant oxygen supply to function optimally. Oxygen is pivotal in various aspects of brain health, including oxidative phosphorylation, neuronal activity, energy consumption, and overall cognitive function.

Brad Pitzele



How do you Track Results and Adjust your Workout Plan with EWOT?

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) has gained popularity recently as a method to enhance physical performance and overall well-being. By introducing concentrated oxygen during workouts, individuals aim to improve oxygen delivery to muscles, enhance endurance, and expedite recovery.

Brad Pitzele



Beat The Heat: Staying Energized with EWOT in Summer Workouts

Summer is here, and while it's a great time for fitness enthusiasts to go outdoors and exercise, the heat can quickly zap your energy and lead to overexertion. This guide will be your lifeline to staying cool, energized, and on track with your summer workouts.

Brad Pitzele



The Busy Bee's Guide to Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy exercises, or EWOT, combine physical activity with inhaling concentrated oxygen. This innovative approach can significantly enhance the benefits of your regular workout routine, making it particularly appealing for those leading busy lives.

Brad Pitzele



How EWOT Boosts Lung Function and Strength?

The advantages of EWOT systems for lung health are both immediate and long-term. Firstly, the increased oxygen levels during exercise lead to enhanced lung capacity. Individuals often experience improved respiratory strength and endurance as the lungs work more efficiently.

Brad Pitzele



Climb Higher, Recover Faster: The Impact of EWOT on Mountain Climbing

At the heart of every successful mountain climber lies a robust cardiovascular system. Altitude, thin air, and challenging terrains put immense strain on the heart, making cardiovascular fitness a non-negotiable aspect of training. EWOT, with its oxygen-rich workouts, becomes a game-changer in this regard.

Brad Pitzele



The Transformative Power of EWOT for Beauty and Health

When it comes to beauty and health, EWOT is a known holistic and transformative ally. Through increased oxygen intake and exercise, it tackles skin issues at its root, offering a rejuvenating experience for your body and a radiant glow for your skin.

Brad Pitzele



Supercharge Your Metabolism With the Power of Oxygen Therapy

EWOT offers a unique tool to complement your efforts. Unlike breathing the usual 21% oxygen in the air, EWOT involves exercising while inhaling concentrated oxygen (typically 90-93%). This is achieved through a stationary oxygen concentrator and a reservoir that stores the enriched oxygen. 

Brad Pitzele



How Exercise With Oxygen Therapy Impacts Neurotransmitters

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), a progressive approach involving the inhalation of enriched oxygen during physical activity, amplifies the advantages of exercise and influences neurotransmitters—the vital messengers shaping mood, cognition, and mental health.

Brad Pitzele



Mastering EWOT: A Guide to Optimizing Exercise Intensity, Duration, and Frequency

Starting gradually is crucial whether you're new to exercise or adapting to EWOT. Begin with low to moderate-intensity exercises such as brisk walking, cycling, or light resistance training alongside an EWOT machine. 

Brad Pitzele



Fuel Your Brain Activity with Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

By combining the power of exercise with concentrated oxygen intake, EWOT transforms your workout routine into a brain-boosting, immune-strengthening, and endurance-building experience. The EWOT system, with its oxygen mask, becomes a tool not just for physical fitness but for unlocking the full potential of your mind.

Brad Pitzele



The Impact of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy on Muscle Function

Beyond the direct impact on muscles, Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) unfolds many significant cardiovascular benefits, showcasing its potential to revolutionize our approach to holistic health. 

Brad Pitzele



Intrigued by EWOT? Debunking myths and building trust with science

One such approach gaining attention is exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT). However, as with any emerging health trend, misconceptions and myths can cloud its true potential. In this blog, we will delve into the world of EWOT, debunk common myths, and explore the scientific basis behind its growing popularity.

Brad Pitzele



How to Set Up Your Own EWOT System at Home?

Choose a well-ventilated and spacious area for your EWOT setup. Ensure there's enough room for your exercise equipment and that the space allows easy access to the oxygen concentrator.

Brad Pitzele



Harnessing The Power Of Exercise For Immune Health With EWOT

As winter is coming, and it's the time when colds and flu are most common, it's crucial to boost your immune system. The colder weather often weakens our immunity, so doing things is essential to prevent getting sick.

Brad Pitzele



Rising high: Exploring the benefits of EWOT for better gymnastic performance

One emerging trend gaining attention in the gymnastics community is Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT). This innovative approach involves inhaling higher oxygen levels during physical activity, offering promising benefits for gymnasts striving to push their limits and achieve optimal performance.

Brad Pitzele



Transforming Athletic Training with EWOT for Maximum Results

Whether you're a sprinter, a weightlifter, or a team sport enthusiast, EWOT can be adapted to suit various athletic disciplines. The increased oxygen intake benefits athletes across the spectrum, helping them excel in their chosen sports.

Brad Pitzele



Unlocking the Benefits of EWOT for Body Builders

In this blog, we'll delve into the distinct advantages EWOT brings for bodybuilders, exploring how it differs from traditional training and can revolutionize cardio sessions, recovery, and overall performance.

Brad Pitzele



The Role of EWOT in Supporting Teenagers' Development

Teenagers are not just "big kids" or "small adults." They are in a class of their own, dealing with various unique changes and challenges. This phase is marked by significant transformations, including: Physical Growth, Cognitive Development, Emotional Rollercoaster, and Social Adjustments.

Brad Pitzele



EWOT vs. Canned Oxygen: Which is Better for Athletic Performance?

There are multiple ways to take supplemental oxygen for optimal cardiovascular function and facilitate other benefits that it accompanies. The main contenders in the arena are EWOT and canned oxygen. Athletes can enjoy a boost of extra oxygen in their system during a match or later in recovery.

Brad Pitzele



EWOT and Immune System Boost: Strengthening Your Body's Defenses

Regular EWOT can improve your body's ability to produce antibodies and white blood cells, which are crucial components of your immune system. This enhanced immune response is particularly beneficial during the flu season, helping you fight off infections more effectively.

Brad Pitzele



Exercise with Oxygen Therapy for Seniors: Enhancing Wellness in Later Years

As we age, physical and mental health challenges become more prevalent. Issues such as heart conditions, respiratory problems, joint pain, and a decline in energy can make exercise seem daunting. However, maintaining wellness in our senior years is crucial for a high quality of life.

Brad Pitzele



Exploring the Future of Health & Fitness with EWOT

This blog will take you on a journey through the vast landscape of EWOT, the advantages of EWOT machines, and its potential in various areas of health and fitness.

Brad Pitzele



Breath Meditation and Oxygen Therapy: Finding Serenity and Health

Finding moments of serenity and health can be a challenge in the hustle and bustle of our modern lives. But what if we told you that two simple practices—breath meditation and oxygen therapy—could be your ticket to a calmer, healthier you? These practices might sound scientific, but don't worry; we're here to break them down in plain, everyday language.

Brad Pitzele



Want to get started with EWOT Therapy? Here's Your Exercise Planner!

If you have been searching for effective ways to boost stamina, enhance concentration, or focus on your overall health, here's a planner that lets you get it done. But there's a twist. You'll be doing your workouts the EWOT way. Here you can Access your personalized exercise planner to kickstart your Enhanced Whole-Body Oxygenation Therapy routine.

Brad Pitzele



Why You Should Be a Part of the EWOT Community?

Every day, the health and wellness industry drops a new way to achieve increased wellness or fitness goals. Here in this blog we have covered crucial details about the Ewot therapy along with our client's feedback. So, keep reading!.

Brad Pitzele



Why Should You Consider Investing in an Oxygen Workout Mask?

In this blog, we have answered some of the most common questions people usually have regarding the usage and effectiveness of an oxygen workout mask. We will give you a clear view of how EWOT works and help you in choosing the right equipment for you

Brad Pitzele



Detoxify & Thrive: EWOT's Oxygen-Powered Cleanse for Ultimate Wellness!

Most people relate it with releasing toxins; however, the process is much more than the standard narrative. We will decode just that in this blog and learn how to detoxify at home with EWOT systems.

Brad Pitzele



Rediscover Vitality with EWOT's Anti-Aging Benefits

Athletes have been using it to boost their performance levels. People with cancer and chronic illnesses have used it to get relief from some of these symptoms. Another unknown benefit of EWOT is that it offers impressive anti-aging benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore how Hypoxia can accelerate aging as well as the effectiveness of EWOT in maintaining youthfulness.

Brad Pitzele



How Can Oxygen Therapy Ease Breathlessness?

You don’t need to pack your joggers for the gym, as you can conveniently do the same cardio session at home. The best part– you’ll never have to “huff” again. Because this time, your lungs will breathe in higher amounts of oxygen supplied by the Ewot bags. Don’t know how? No worries, this blog will discuss the benefits of exercising supplemental oxygen. Keep reading

Brad Pitzele



Oxygen-Powered Nutrition: Fueling Your Health with EWOT & Wholesome Foods!

When it comes to enhancing your body's oxygen supply, certain foods stand out due to their richness in iron and nitrate. In this guide, you will delve into the world of Fueling Your Health with EWOT & Wholesome Foods

Brad Pitzele



Science Unlocked– How EWOT Enhances Your Emotional Well-being?

Here you’ll explore the reasons why breathing demands your attention, the significance of Oxygen in regulating your emotions, and how EWOT therapy machines come into the picture.

Brad Pitzele



How Can Oxygen Therapy Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey?

Researchers say breathing oxygen-enriched air may help you achieve your dream body with less effort. In this blog post, you can explore how oxygen therapy can kickstart your weight loss journey

Brad Pitzele



Perform Better: Top EWOT Benefits Explained for Cyclists

In this article, we'll highlight all the remarkable advantages of EWOT protocol for bicyclists so you can decide whether it's a suitable training method for you, according to the level of your training.

Brad Pitzele



Oxygen for Exercise: Debunking 6 Common Myths About EWOT With Facts

EWOT Therapy is another method to support people in maintaining their well-being.In this blog, you can explore the six common myths about EWOT along with factual information.

Brad Pitzele



How can EWOT Protocol Help People with Cancer?

Oxygen is the most essential element for our life and energy. Every organ needs oxygen to function properly. A lack of oxygen, termed Hypoxia, can have radical effects on a person’s overall well-being. Lets explore how can EWOT Protocol Help People with Cancer

Brad Pitzele



Exercising With Oxygen Therapy: The Basics

Exercising with oxygen therapy (EWOT) involves breathing a high-concentration of oxygen while exercising. Let's explore exercising with oxygen therapy and how it can help you.

Brad Pitzele



The Top 7 EWOT Benefits

EWOT has numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, enhanced athletic performance, and more. Let's cover the top 7 benefits of EWOT!

Brad Pitzele



Your Guide to Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Exercise with oxygen therapy involves breathing in pure oxygen while engaging in physical activity. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of EWOT and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your workout routine.

Brad Pitzele



The Benefits of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Exercise with oxygen therapy has been shown to improve endurance, increase energy levels, reduce inflammation, and even aid in recovery from certain health conditions. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of exercise with oxygen therapy.

EWOT Staff



When You SHOULDN'T Use EWOT Contrast Training

We recently were asked by a customer why we don’t offer “EWOT contrast systems”. Truth is, you shouldn't use EWOT contrast training for all situations. Learn more!

EWOT Staff



Why You Should Use EWOT for Babesia infections

In this blog post, we’ll explore why EWOT should be at the top of your list when considering treatments for a might-have-been or existing case of Babesia infection.

EWOT Staff



The Benefits of Finding EWOT Near You

Learn more about finding EWOT centers near you and taking advantage of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy as a unique approach to fitness.

EWOT Staff



The Science Behind Oxygen Therapy for Athletes

Using Exercise with Oxygen Therapy for athletes can be a secret weapon to take their athletic performance to the next level. Learn how it works.

EWOT Staff



Everything You Need to Know About EWOT Machines

EWOT machines provide oxygen-rich air to help improve health, wellness, fitness performance, and even endurance in users. Discover how an EWOT machine can help you get healthy, stay fit, and feel better.

EWOT Staff



EWOT vs. HBOT (Hyperbaric oxygen)

When it comes to EWOT vs HBOT, we are often asked if you can get similar benefits and which modality is better for you. Let's explore the difference between EWOT and HBOT.

EWOT Staff



What's the Best EWOT Mask for Me?

How do you know which is the best EWOT mask for you? Let’s learn about the components of your equipment and your options.

EWOT Staff



How EWOT Can Help Long COVID

There is substantial research showing EWOT can help with the many lingering symptoms felt by people who are experiencing long COVID. Learn more about why you should consider EWOT to help you jump-start your long COVID recovery.

EWOT Staff



What an EWOT System Needs for Lyme & Bartonella

EWOT systems can come in a variety of configurations, and practically all will provide some benefit. This article is cover what you need in an EWOT system to tackle chronic illness. Let's dive in!

EWOT Staff



Using EWOT for Bartonella Infection

A bartonella infection can be serious. Luckily, Exercise with Oxygen Therapy can help your body combat a bartonella infection deep in your tissues. Why should you use EWOT for bartonella infection? Read on.